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The Making of Human Spinal Cord

I finished my Structure project around two weeks ago and I would like to take you behind the scene and see how the earrings were made from scratch.

I started off with layering all of my paper templates on the sterling silver sheet with a glue stick and saw piercing them.

Then, I filed the edges of all the pieces with a file 2 and prepared the main pieces for twisting. I made a sample with copper before I twisted my pieces.

Next, I measured the width of the piece to determine the dimension of the slot.

Incision was marked by filling in the outer area with a marker for clearer vision while sawing.

I slid the pieces in place and soldered them together with hard solder.

The process was repeated for the rest of the overlapping planes.

Spiky pieces were tagged onto the main pieces by laser welding followed by soldering with medium solder.

After soldering the jump rings on the top for attaching the earring hooks, I started the process of depletion gilding for a white frosty surface. Followed by burnishing the edges of the piece for a sharp look.

And here is the finished piece:) The burnishing creates a sharp solid look for the piece which I really appreciate. Planes and edges are never my favorite things to fabricate because they often look flat and boring to me but this pair of earrings are fun to wear and the asymmetrical fashion really stands out and grabs attention. For more information on this piece and the concept behind it, check out Human Spinal Cord.

Thanks for reading this far. I'm always working on new projects, come and check them out on my instagram.


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